Nein, Sie können Buchungen online nicht teilweise stornieren. Wenn Sie eine Buchung nur für bestimmte Passagiere stornieren müssen, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Kundenservice. Alternativ können Sie die gesamte Buchung stornieren und die verbleibenden Passagiere umbuchen.
Can I change my bookings online?
I cannot find the “Change flight(s)” button in my flight booking details on Manage Booking. What should I do?
How do I make changes to my bookings?
How do I know that if the flight date and/or time has been successfully changed?
Can I change the dates and/or flights for some of the passengers under the same booking?
Can I change my bookings online if I have purchased my tickets via a travel agent?
Can I change my bookings online if I have completed online check-in?
Can I change my bookings online if my itinerary involves connecting flights with other carriers?
When paying additional fees for changes of bookings, do I have to pay with the same credit card used for the original bookings?
Can I make seat requests when I change my bookings online?
I have not received my e-ticket receipt after changing my bookings online. What should I do?
Can I cancel a flight for only certain passengers within the same booking?