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홍콩특별행정구 연락처

아래에서 캐세이퍼시픽 현지 연락처 정보를 확인하세요


공항 홍콩 국제공항
주소 Cathay Pacific:
Head Office:
Cathay Pacific City,
8 Scenic Road,
Hong Kong International Airport,
Lantau, Hong Kong
Reservations and enquiries after office hours :

Tel : +852 2747 3333
Facebook: @cathaypacificHK
Twitter : @cathaypacific
예약 센터   +852 2747 3333+852 2747 3333

  • Cathay's pick and redemption enquiries will be answered by Cathay Holidays Limited or Asia Miles Travel Services Limited on the above number. For Cathay Holidays powered by Expedia bookings, please contact help center.
  • If you are calling from outside of Hong Kong, an overseas charge may apply. 
수하물 서비스 Tel: +852 2747 7838
Office: Daily 06:00 – 00:00
Hotline: Daily 07:00 – 23:30
Email: hkg_bag@cathaypacific.com
Please click here for Baggage Claims information.