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Сианьский международный аэропорт "Сяньян"

Информация об аэропорте

Стойка регистрации

Terminal 5, Island G

Opening hours
3 hours prior to scheduled departure time

(Check-in counters are closed punctually 60 minutes before scheduled departure time)

Залы ожидания Зал ожидания Первого класса
Информация по таможне

Passengers aged 18 or above are entitled to the following duty-free quota:

Tobacco Products:
Mainland China / Hong Kong / Macao residents: 200 sticks or equivalent of tobacco products
Overseas Chinese / Foreigners: 400 sticks or equivalent of tobacco products

Alcoholic Beverages:
1 bottle of alcoholic beverage. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed to be carried onboard as carry-on baggage except purchased at duty free shops in airport’s restricted area.

Please note that all departing and arriving passengers are required to fill in a new customs and declaration form.