我需要登記賬戶才能使用 PressReader 嗎?
使用 PressReader 無需登記賬戶。但如果你想在多個裝置上使用此服務或在社交平台上作分享,則須先登記免費賬戶。
Do I have to download the PressReader app?
How do I get access to PressReader?
I’ve booked a flight. When can I access PressReader?
Do I need to register an account to use PressReader?
How do I install the PressReader app?
How many issues can I download?
How long can I keep issues I’ve downloaded?
Will I have access to PressReader again after my initial flight?
Why is the PressReader app asking me to pay for a title I want to download?
Can I continue to use PressReader after my free access period ends?