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    A street view of Chinatown Country Club in Queen Victoria Building shopping centre during daytime in Sydney CBD, Australia
    The Standard Store founders Nicola and Orlando Reindorf sitting on the steps of the shop in Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia
    A view inside The Standard Store in Surry Hills, Sydney filled with racks of clothes and shelves of fashion accessories
    A close up of The Standard Store shop sign outside during daytime in Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia
    A curated selection of books and magazines  on floating wooden shelves inside Chinatown Country Club fashion concept store in Sydney CBD, Australia
    An interior view of a wall of floating wooden shelves behind an espresso machine and barista counter inside Chinatown Country Club in Sydney CBD, Australia
    An interior view of Chinatown Country Club showroom decorated with a clothing rack, stylish mirror and luxurious furnitures in Sydney CBD, Australia
    An art deco minibar decorated with green plants and a staircase in the courtyard of bespoke tailor shop Belance in Paddington, Australia
    An interior view of Belance showroom featuring various styles of dress shoes and bespoke suits hanging on the display wall
    An interior view of Belance store facing the courtyard, showcasing a white bespoke suit and bow tie on display
    A woman wearing denim jacket and pants standing infront of the shop window of vintage fashion store Uturn in Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

    Credit: Uturn

    A collection of vintage clothes hanging at the display window of Uturn store during daytime facing the street in Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

    Credit: Uturn

    An exterior view of Provider Store storefront, glass window and wooden bench during daytime
    Provider Store founder Tara Bennett sitting at a wooden counter with flower decoration
    A close up view of ceramic bowls, cups, plates, wooden chopsticks, paper fan, fragrance and home accessores on display on a wooden shelf
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