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Stock information

Registrars Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
17M Floor, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong
Website: https://www.computershare.com
Depositary The Bank of New York Mellon
BNY Mellon Shareowner Services
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000

Website: mybnymdr.com
Email: shrrelations@cpushareownerservices.com
Calls within USA - toll free: 1(888) BNY ADRS
International callers: 1(201) 680 6825
HKEx Stock Codes 00293
Board Lots 1000
Nominal Values After the new Companies Ordinance (Cap 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) came into operation on 3 March 2014, Cathay Pacific Airways Limited 國泰航空有限公司, a company incorporated in Hong Kong, no longer has an authorised share capital and par value of shares.
No. of Issued Ordinary Shares 6,439,409,250
Contact information Email: ir@cathaypacific.com