Programma aziendale Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Il programma aziendale Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) nasce dal nostro costante impegno nella lotta contro il cambiamento climatico, ed è uno dei primi nel suo genere in Asia. Grazie al supporto finanziario di clienti aziendali, abbiamo utilizzato per la prima volta il SAF sui voli in partenza dalla nostra sede, l’aeroporto internazionale di Hong Kong. Stiamo anche ampliando l’utilizzo della tecnologia SAF e potenziandone la fornitura all’estero.
Cos’è il SAF?
Il Sustainable Aviation Fuel è uno dei metodi più efficaci per decarbonizzare le operazioni delle compagnie aeree nei prossimi decenni, soprattutto per i viaggi a lungo raggio. Rispetto al carburante tradizionale, il SAF è in grado di ridurre di oltre l’80% le emissioni di CO2 in un ciclo di vita, a seconda della tecnologia SAF utilizzata, poiché è prodotto da fonti rinnovabili e dal riutilizzo dei rifiuti. Abbiamo assunto l’impegno di utilizzare la tecnologia SAF per il 10% del nostro consumo totale di carburante entro il 2030: tutto questo fa parte del nostro impegno a raggiungere zero emissioni nette di CO2 entro il 2050.
Insieme, possiamo ridurre le emissioni di CO2 generate dai viaggi aziendali e dal trasporto aereo di merci, e guidare la transizione verso l’energia rinnovabile nell’aviazione.
Come funziona il programma
Il nostro programma aziendale SAF accelera la transizione globale verso l’aviazione sostenibile, fornendo ai nostri clienti una chiara documentazione della riduzione delle emissioni Scope 3.
- Il SAF acquistato da Cathay Pacific è certificato da standard di sostenibilità riconosciuti a livello internazionale.*
- I clienti contribuiscono a estendere l’utilizzo del SAF sui voli Cathay Pacific e Cathay Cargo.
- Per i suoi voli, Cathay Pacific utilizzerà il SAF invece del combustibile fossile standard.
- Cathay Pacific rilascerà un certificato di riduzione delle emissioni verificata e una lettera di assurance di terzi, per aiutare le aziende a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 Scope 3 derivanti dai viaggi aziendali o dal trasporto merci. Questo impegno include l’iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi) per la riduzione delle emissioni indirette legate all’industria dell’aviazione.
* Come la Direttiva sulle energie rinnovabili dell’UE, la Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) o il sistema International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC).
Perché iscriversi al nostro programma aziendale SAF?
I clienti che aderiscono al nostro programma potranno:
- Ridurre le emissioni di CO2 Scope 3 attraverso una misura integrata che soddisfa i diversi requisiti di trasparenza in merito all’impronta di CO2, inclusa l’iniziativa Science Based Targets (SBTi).
- Guidare l’accelerazione verso l’utilizzo del SAF, soprattutto in Asia.
- Comunicare un impegno autentico verso la sostenibilità nei viaggi aziendali e nel trasporto merci ai propri stakeholder.
Un messaggio del nostro Amministratore delegato, Ronald Lam
"We’re taking a multi-pronged approach to contribute to the aviation industry’s decarbonisation journey. Since the launch of this programme, we have received strong support from our corporate and cargo customers. Our programme has reached new heights this year, with significantly more partners involved and a substantially larger volume of SAF committed to date. This programme will help reduce carbon footprints and convey a clear message to the SAF supply chain that there is a firm demand from this part of the world. We look forward to welcoming other interested companies to sign up and join our mission to be Greener Together.”
Cosa dicono i nostri clienti aziendali
Partner strategico
"HSBC is pleased to partner with Cathay Pacific to advance the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Hong Kong. This initiative, which aims to support a key innovation for the long-term decarbonisation of air travel, has demonstrated how businesses can collaborate to adopt innovative decarbonisation technologies and foster a local SAF ecosystem."

Luanne Lim
Chief Executive Officer Hong Kong
Partner Diamond
DB Schenker
"By setting a benchmark here in the region, we aim to inspire many followers globally and thereby accelerate the industry’s path to sustainability. This demonstrates that business growth and sustainability can truly go hand in hand."
Thorsten Meincke
Membro del Consiglio di Amministrazione, Air & Ocean
"SAF is a tangible solution that we can offer our customers to reduce emissions in their supply chains, thereby continuing to enable global trade in a more sustainable way."
Yngve Ruud
Vicepresidente esecutivo Air Logistics
Partner Gold
Autorità aeroportuale di
Hong Kong
"We recognise that SAF is a key solution to decarbonise the aviation sector, and aim to drive uptake at Hong Kong International Airport in the coming years. We are proud to support Cathay Pacific in their ongoing efforts to uplift SAF and we encourage all airlines to join us in fostering a sustainable aviation future."
Peter Lee
Direttore generale, Sostenibilità
“We believe partnerships are critical in combating climate change and building a sustainable future. Our participation in Cathay Pacific’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel programme is in line with our commitment to achieve net-zero by 2050. This partnership is aligned with AIA's Purpose of helping people live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives.”
Amita Chaudhury
Responsabile della sostenibilità del gruppo
Dimerco Express Group
“We work closely with our customers to reduce freight-based carbon emissions. SAF stands out as a game-changer, slashing greenhouse gas emissions up to 80% compared to fossil fuels. By joining forces with Cathay Pacific, we're taking concrete action towards a more sustainable world.”
George Chiou
Presidente – Trasporto merci aereo
EQT Group
“We are the first ever private markets firm to have a validated Science-Based Target and are working to achieve our climate ambitions through a combination of investing behind key sustainability trends, such as energy transition, by optimizing our own travel, as well as by contributing to initiatives that move entire industries forward, like Cathay Pacific's Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program, in which we are proud to participate.”
Patrick Cordes
Direttore operativo, EQT Private Capital Asia
Kintetsu World Express
"As a group of companies in the transport sector responsible for around 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions, we must further accelerate more substantial industry-wide efforts to decarbonise. And SAF remains the most effective way for it. We are proud and delighted to keep on working with Cathay Pacific in our partnership that has lasted more than half a century."
Nobutoshi Torii
Presidente e Amministratore delegato
Standard Chartered
“We are delighted to be one of the first participants in Cathay Pacific’s Corporate Sustainable Aviation Fuel Programme since 2022, jointly contributing to the global transition to net zero carbon emissions.”
Mary Huen
Amministratore delegato, Hong Kong, Cina continentale e Asia settentrionale
Swire Pacific
“SAF is key to decarbonising the aviation sector and is an integral part of our net zero journey. We are delighted to continue to support Cathay Pacific’s Corporate SAF Programme and signal demand for low-carbon options from the business community in our home market and abroad. We hope that this partnership will provide valuable insights and pave the way for scaling up SAF uplift.”
Guy Bradley
Yusen Logistics
“SAF is the most realistic solution today, directly reducing greenhouse gas emission within the aviation sector. We are proud to have Cathay Pacific as our partner not only for reducing our own carbon footprint, but also for helping our clients achieve their environmental goals. Our collaboration is a testament to our dedication to environmental stewardship, marking a major step towards 2050 net-zero target.”
Eisuke Fukagawa
Responsabile Air Freight Forwarding
Partner Silver
Julius Baer
"We are pleased to partner with Cathay, one of the leading airlines in Asia and around the world with a high-quality SAF programme. As air travel makes up a significant portion of our emissions, we need to find ways to decarbonise flying, and today SAF is one of the concrete solutions we have. With our partnership, we hope to help SAF scale up into a more mainstream market, while reducing emissions generated from flying."
Yvonne Suter
Responsabile della sostenibilità
Lenton Group
"We are excited to take a significant step to join and support Cathay’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) program. This partnership reflects our commitment to sustainability and reduction of freight-based carbon emissions in the logistics sector. By working together and supporting future investments, we aim to accelerate the development of sustainable end-to-end logistics solutions. Working Together for a better tomorrow."
Valerie Dubuisson
Amministratore delegato del gruppo
Cosa dice la nostra ONG partner
Business Environment Council
"Being the most feasible solution currently available for adoption on a commercial scale, SAF will play a critical role in decarbonising emissions from aviation, while maintaining Hong Kong’s competitive edge as a regional and global hub. BEC’s participation in this programme signals our commitment to reducing emissions and working towards a green, liveable and sustainable Hong Kong."

Simon Ng
Amministratore delegato
Unisciti alla lotta per il clima
Scopri come contribuire a creare un futuro più sostenibile continuando a soddisfare le esigenze della tua azienda.
Il nostro programma SAF è stato creato per i clienti aziendali, ma anche i singoli passeggeri possono contribuire ad arginare il cambiamento climatico. Il nostro programma Fly Greener compensa le emissioni di CO2 dei tuoi voli attraverso una raccolta fondi destinata a progetti gestiti da terze parti che riducono o prevengono le emissioni.