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Mobility assistance

Information about travelling with your wheelchair, including stowage and batteries

Wheelchair service and attendants are available for Cathay Pacific passengers who require mobility assistance. An attendant will assist in transporting you within the airport area and to the gate or aircraft door (depending on the airport facilities).

Please contact Customer Care as far in advance of your flight to request this wheelchair service and we will arrange to ensure a smooth and safe journey.

Should you need assistance inside the cabin moving between your seat and the aircraft door or lavatory door, an inflight wheelchair and aisle seat with movable armrests are available. Our cabin crew are also trained to assist if you are unable to move by yourself from the inflight wheelchair to and from your seat.

If you are travelling in a group of 10 or more people requiring wheelchairs, please contact Customer Care at least 48 hours before scheduled departure of your Cathay Pacific flight.

Travelling with your own wheelchair

Passengers with a disability may use their own manual or battery-powered wheelchair to the departure gate, and when airport facilities permit, to the aircraft door.

Non-collapsible manual or battery-powered wheelchairs are accepted as check-in baggage. These items can be handed in at the check-in counter or at the departure gate and can be returned to you at the aircraft door. We make every effort not to disassemble your wheelchair or scooter; however, when necessary, we will disassemble and reassemble the equipment for passengers.

Depending on aircraft type and available loading space, please note below the maximum size of storage we can accommodate your wheelchair in the cargo hold:


Aircraft type Size of the wheelchair
All narrow body aircrafts (A320/A321) 55W x 55D x 45H (inches)
All wide body aircrafts (except the above) 55W x 55D x 60H (inches)

Information to bring with you

  • The user manual for your wheelchair and the batteries
  • Specialised tools needed to disassemble and reassemble the wheelchair if needed.
  • For wheelchair using lithium-ion batteries, the United Nations (UN) test document for the lithium-ion batteries meeting the requirement as specified in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III Section 38.3.
  • For passengers with disabilities there is no charge for transporting wheelchairs.

We accept all types of battery-powered wheelchairs in the cargo compartment e.g. wheelchairs with dry cell battery, wet cell battery, gel cell battery, or non-spillable electric storage batteries. Lithium-ion battery-powered wheelchairs or other similar mobility aids may be carried as checked baggage, provided that the battery must be of a type which meets the United Nations (UN) test requirements as specified in the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III Section 38.3. Certain safety procedures must be followed in order to comply with international air transport safety regulations and the regulation can be found as below:

Battery type  Instructions Spare battery(ies)
Lithium-ion batteries

The battery(ies) can remain installed in the wheelchair (mobility aid),

  • if the battery is protected against damage by the design of the mobility aid and securely attached to the mobility aid,
  • The electrical circuits are isolated following the manufacturer’s instruction.
  • There is no maximum watt-hour limit if the lithium battery(ies) remains in the device.


  • One spare lithium ion battery at a maximum of 300Wh; or
  • Two spare batteries at a maximum of 160Wh
  • (in addition to the removed batteries, if applicable)

The batteries must be removed,

  • If the design of the mobility aid does not provide adequate protection and that the battery is not securely attached to the device (following the manufacturer’s instructions).
  • The removed batteries must be protected from short circuit (e.g. by covering or taping over exposed terminals).
  • In order to protect them from damage, place batteries individually in a protective pouch and take them with you into the cabin.
  • The maximum removed battery size is 300Wh, or for devices fitted with two batteries, 160Wh each.

Non-spillable wet batteries

(Complies with Special Provision A67)

Examples: gel, sealed lead acid or absorbed glass mat AGM batterie

The wheelchair battery(ies) can either: 

remain installed in the wheelchair (mobility aid), if

  • the battery is securely attached to the mobility aid.
  • the battery must be adequately protected against damage by the design of the mobility aid.
  • the electrical circuits are isolated following the manufacturer’s instruction.

or be removed, 

  • following the instructions of the manufacturer or device owner.
  • The removed batteries must be protected from short circuit (e.g. by covering or taping over exposed terminals).
  • The removed battery must be placed in strong, rigid packaging which must be secured in the cargo hold.
One spare non-spillable wet battery


Nickel-metal hydride batteries

(Complies with Special Provision A199)

Examples: Nickel Cadmium NiCd or Nickel Metal Hydride NiMh batteries)

Two spare nickel-metal hydride batteries

Dry batteries

(Complies with Special Provision 123)

Two spare dry batteries
Spillable batteries

The spillable battery(ies) must be securely attached to the wheelchair, scooter or mobility aid and the device can be stowed in the aircraft in an upright position, it must remain in the device. The power must be disconnected or isolated so that it cannot be inadvertently activated. This can be achieved following the manufacturers instructions. 

No spare battery(ies) is allowed

Please contact Customer Care for assistance and advise them of the weight and size of your wheelchair, the type of battery used for your battery-powered wheelchair and the lithium-ion battery watt-hours if your wheelchair is powered by a lithium-ion battery.

Cathay Pacific may be able to store one collapsible manual wheelchair in the cabin, depending on aircraft type and available space. Note that storage priority is based on a first come, first serve basis.

Aircraft type Size of the wheelchair
773P 9W x 26D x 30H (inches)


Aircraft type Size of the wheelchair
13W x 36D x 42H (inches)


Aircraft type Size of the wheelchair
A33P 14.5W x 32D x 36.5H (inches)


Safety assistance

In most cases, passengers with disabilities may travel on their own.  However, it is a requirement that you travel with a safety assistant if you are unable to physically assist in your own evacuation from the aircraft in event of an emergency.

Walking canes, crutches, and walking frames

Walking canes, frames, and crutches may be carried in the aircraft cabin, provided they are stowed in accordance with cabin safety requirements. If your walking frame is collapsible and cabin crew can stow it safely, it can also be carried in the aircraft cabin. For safety reasons, non-collapsible walking frames are not permitted in the aircraft cabin and will have to be checked in.  You can use your frame to the departure gate where it can be surrendered for priority stowage in the aircraft cargo hold.

Cathay Pacific Airways recognises that some passengers with disabilities may need to use Postural Support Equipment (PSE) when they travel. In order to best accommodate your travel requirements, the following PSE is accepted for use on all of our aircraft:

  • Aspen Seating Orthosis (ASO)
    The Aspen Seating Orthosis is only allowed for passengers 3 years old or above. For more information, please refer to Aspen's website.
  • MERU Travel Chair
    The TravelChair fits into a standard airline seat giving firm, postural support for disabled children whilst they travel by air. It is suitable for children from 3 – 11 years (depending on their size and weight).For more information, please refer to MERU's website.
  • DAWS Engineering Disabled Children Travel Chair, P/N TC2000-00
    Only allowed for passengers 3 years and older.
  • Crelling Harness, Model 27
    The Crelling Harness is designed as a postural support device and offers a degree of restraint for infants, children and adults to keep them in an upright sitting position. Crelling Harness, Model 27 is accepted for use on all our aircraft. There are different sizes available and they are designed for passengers from 2 years of age to adults. For more information, please refer to Crelling Harness website
  • Supportive body braces
    Passengers are free to travel with postural support devices worn on the body and which do not require to be fitted to the aircraft seat (for example supportive body braces).

    Passengers must bring their own PSE and will be fully responsible for installation, usage and removal.

    Passenger should follow manufacturer’s instructions/requirements for the usage of the PSE. The aircraft seat seatbelt must remain as the primary restraint. Passenger-supplied PSE will be carried free of charge.

    If you are planning to travel with PSE other than the above models, we recommend that you please contact Customer Care a minimum of 7 days prior to departure and inform them of your PSE specifications.